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Jesus knows you!

PastorKim2017.05.24 13:26조회 수 251댓글 0

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          Jesus knows you!

                                              Kwang Oh Kim

Refused at the inn and born in a manger,

Jesus knows your hour of lonesomeness and isolation.

Fleeing as a babe to Egypt from the fury of a wicked king,

Jesus knows the weary steps of your journey.

Born and raised in a humble carpenter's home,

Jesus knows your endured toil of labor and the sweat from fatigue.

No place to lay his head, while "foxes have holes and birds have nest."

Jesus knows your friendless and homeless situation.

Tempted to transform stones into bread,

Jesus knows your fight against the worldly enticement.

Betrayed and forsaken by friends,

Jesus knows your lonely struggle to live a righteous life.

Humbly girding up his loins and kneeling to wash the feet of his disciple,

Jesus knows your humble acts of kindness and sacrifice.

Crying, "If it is possible, let this cup pass from me"

Jesus knows your tears and doubts of trial.

Staggering with bloody steps to Calvary,

Jesus knows your broken heart and hidden tears.

Praying, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they do,"

Jesus knows your ignorant iniquity.

Declaring "Woman, behold your son."

Jesus knows your weary sigh in child raising.

Promising to a thief, "You shall be with me in Paradise,"

Jesus knows your true tears of repentance and the longing in your soul.

Crying in anguish, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

Jesus knows the despair that you feel.

Uttering, "I thirst," while nailed to the cross,

Jesus knows the thirsting of your soul.

Proclaiming in a loud voice, "It is finished!"

Jesus knows the yearning of your soul for the true meaning of life.

Praying, "Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit,"

Jesus knows the uncertainty of your mind at your death bed.

Resurrected from the grave,

Jesus knows your cry in the valley of the shadow of death.

Jesus knows the answer of your puzzling question, "Why does this world of sin last so long?"

and promised, "I will come again."


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번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
Jesus knows you! 2017.05.24 251
12 어머니 2017.05.30 42
11 엘리 엘리 라마 사박다니 2017.05.30 77
10 그 눈물 2017.05.30 44
9 내가 당신을 좋아하는 까닭은 2017.05.30 48
8 첫 사랑 2017.05.30 63
7 어찌 잊으랴 2017.05.30 61
6 기미 독립선언 100주년에 2019.02.13 47
5 예수님은 당신을 아십니다1 2017.05.24 57
4 어머니1 2017.05.31 57
3 집사 예찬2 2017.05.30 49
2 아가페2 2017.05.30 65
1 록키 산맥 봉우리4 2018.04.03 77
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